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Information and Support - Tragic Incident Southport Monday 29th July 2024

Following the tragic incident in Southport on 29th July 2024, we hope this webpage will provide information and support services available to anyone affected.

We have been working with partners in the area to share the local support available to those who live in the area and some information about what happens after a distressing or frightening event, how people may feel and where to seek help should they need it.

Sefton Council have developed a dedicated webpage area which will provide you with updates, information and support services across the borough. You can view this page here (opens page in new window).

The Community Foundation for Merseyside, in partnership with Sefton Council and Sefton CVS, have established the Southport Strong Together Appeal. Donations to this appeal will help to provide support to those affected in a range of ways. They will be offered as charitable gifts to those who have lost loved ones, or sustained physical or psychological injuries, and also awarded as grants to local and regional charities providing vital support services to those affected. Find out more information and how to donate here (opens page in new window).

Useful information leaflets


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