If you, your child or anyone in the family are at immediate risk of harm, you should contact the police urgently, CALL 999
If you are a Sefton resident and are experiencing domestic abuse or believe someone you know is, please contact:
Sefton Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA) Team can:
- offer free crisis intervention support to high-risk victims of domestic abuse.
- provide practical help including safety planning for the whole family, support through the Criminal Justice System, and home security checks.
- work with male and female victims aged 16+
- work with victims even if they chose to remain in their relationship.
- The team is available: Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
You can contact us by:
Phone: 0151 934 5142
Email: IDVA.Team@sefton.gov.uk - please note this is not a secure email address
Visit Domestic Abuse (sefton.gov.uk)
SWACA (Sefton Women’s and Children’s Aid):
Our team is available
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday – 9.30am – 5.00pm
Wednesday – 9.30am – 7.00pm
Friday – 9.30am – 3.00pm
Domestic Abuse and Mental Health -
Domestic abuse can have an enormous effect on your mental health. Women's Aid have created a Survivors Handbook with a Live Chat service for anyone seeking advice or support.
Local therapeutic based support service:
Domestic Abuse: Home | Refuge National Domestic Abuse Helpline (nationaldahelpline.org.uk)
Women’s Aid: womensaid.org.uk, https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/
Merseyside Domestic Abuse Services 07802722703 offer support for male victims
Paul Lavelle Foundation 0151 651 3777 offer support for Men. These services are based in the Wirral but offer telephone support outside of this area.
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (24 hours)
Worst Kept Secret Helpline: 0800 028 3398
Refuge (includes information for men): refuge.org.uk | 0808 200 0247 (24 hours)
The Men’s Advice Line, for male domestic abuse survivors: 0808 801 0327
This list is not exhaustive - You can search for an array of Services across Sefton via Sefton CVS Directory here.